Introduction The android media viewer mediaplayer MediaControllerCompat tutorial series describes how to setup the MediaControllerCompat with the MediaPlayer UI. And its relationship with the MediaSessionCompat. The role of the MediaController is to directly interface with the application UI and to pass requests down to the MediaSession via the transport controls. Get Code The code can […]

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Introduction The android media viewer mediaplayer MediaSessionCompat tutorial series describes how to set up the MediaSession and its callback. Which will receive requests from the the MediaController and then pass them onto the MediaPlayer. Get Code The code can be found on github from the following instructions below Tag media-viewer-mediasession or you can run this […]

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Introduction The android media viewer audio focus tutorial series describes how to support & use android’s AudioFocus for media playback Also discussed will be supporting the becoming noisy event where a BroadcastReceiver will be setup. Get Code The code can be found on github from the following instructions below Tag media-viewer-audiofocus or you can run this […]

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Introduction The android media viewer mediaplayer video tutorial series describes how to use android’s mediaplayer to play videos from the MediaStore imager viewer. Get Code The code can be found on github from the following instructions below Tag media-viewer-mediaplayer or you can run this command git clone –branch media-viewer-mediaplayer This video describes how to import […]

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Introduction The Android media viewer ConstraintLayout video tutorial describes how to use android’s new ContstraintLayout to add and position views. Steps Install the ConstraintLayout library using the SDK manager Add the ConstraintLayout library to the android project as a gradle dependency dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12' compile '' compile '' compile 'com.github.bumptech.glide:glide:3.5.2' compile '' […]

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Introduction The android media viewer full screen image tutorial series describes how to load a full screen version of the image thumbnail in a new activity. Get Code The code can be found on github from the following instructions below Tag media-viewer-full-image or you can run this command git clone –branch media-viewer-full-image This video […]

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Introduction The android media viewer enabling image click tutorial series describes how to add an onClickListener to the image thumbnail inside the adapter. The onClickListener will be used to pass the Uri of the image or video back to the calling activity. Get Code The code can be found on github from the following instructions […]

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Introduction The android media viewer glide video thumb tutorial series describes how to generate and display the video thumbnails along with the image thumbnails. Get Code The code can be found on github from the following instructions below Tag media-viewer-recyclerview or you can run this command git clone –branch media-viewer-recyclerview This video describes how […]

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The android video app updating media store tutorial describes how to notify the MediaStore when the app has captured a new image or video. This is important for other applications such as the mediastore viewer to be able to load and display the most recent capture image or video. Get Code The code to start this […]

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Introduction The android media viewer adding RecyclerView tutorial series describes how to add the RecyclerView to the android application. The RecyclerView will be the mechanism for laying out the thumbnails on the display. The RecyclerView will also be using a GridLayoutManager to displaying the images in a grid layout.  The MediaStoreAdapter will also have to be […]

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